All these photos (except the one above, of my phone to the left of the morning bun at Brickhouse Bakery - thanks C!) were taken in the beautiful hills of Tuscany last week on my Iphone 6+, which I got and have been complaining about since last November. Although I find it really heavy, ergonomically bothersome and annoying to use in most respects, mostly having to do with my ridiculous mini hands, I must concede that it takes good pictures (when you've got both hands free to hold it up - it's impossible to use one-handed) and the bigger screen is excellent for reading and looking at images (for which I end up resting it on my leg most of the time as it's too heavy to hold comfortably for any length of time). So yes, it's got its issues, but maybe my hands and wrists will become superhumanly strong from using it. For now, I definitely need a case as I drop it all the time. Ages and ages ago, Caseable contacted me via my old blog to ask if I wanted to design a custom case. It took me so long to get around to it, as I kept dithering on upgrading, and then finally lo - I got a new phone and did it in about four seconds. The design is a detail from the big oil painting in my living room, with a CO monogram, naturally. 

I did take some photos on film in Tuscany, but what with the unwieldy phone it was a bit tricky to hold both phone and camera,  with its new leather wrist strap, which I meant to include in this post but forgot. Anyway, it's this, from OakandAwl on Etsy. I love it. Monogrammed as well of course. 

*I got my Iphone 6+ case free of charge, but was not otherwise compensated or obliged to post about it.